I was looking into items on the ballot for the upcoming election.Being a maryland citizen, I already knew gay marriage and casinos were on the ballot. Personally, I don't like represenative goverment too much. It's corruptable, antiquated, and keeps a lot of its people stupid about issues of their concern. But that's for another post.
Looking through a google search for matters on the upcoming balot, I found a christian voter group, which I assume suggests values of christian faith for action in politics. Groups like these as of recent have become a pet peeve of mind. While I understand that they have all rights to form these groups, no one should be voting based on their own religon except if there rights are being infriged on. The idea of separation of church and the freedom of religion are intended to allow people the freedoms to practice their faith as they wish and and expection of the isolatation of our politicans faith from our nations policies.
Which brings me to 2 issues our nation is addressing this election: gay marriage & abortion. Gay marriage is a concern of no one other than those who want to be married. As a matter of human rights, this should be a non-issue. Abortion is a much more complicated matter. While I understand the concerns of concervation of life, religous stances should not be used to support the prevention of someone doing as they wish. Personally, my stance on abortion is a lot like my stance on drugs: people will do it even if banned, allow under serious supervison, add taxes too it, and restrict illegal abortion operations and practies that are unsafe.
As is the nature of politics, feel free to discuss in the comments.